Quiz will be once per month, rewards always different, will have 3-4 questions (it can be related to Warhammer lore or any total war game or history period). On top of all this we will have for you next week brand new Quiz where you can win 1 DLC from these 3:ģ. More unique and lore friendly units are on the way! Thank you to R4ze and Rychu for very nice unit cards! Both units have same recruitment limit as vannila Nehekhara units. Nehekhara Horsemen (Spears), Nehekhara Warriors (Shields) - additional new variants of vannila units with different roles for early t2 and T3 units. Both units share same recruitment limit as Skeleton Archers. Powerfull missile units with deadly accuracy gifted from their goddness. Skeleton Warriors (Great Weapons), Skeleton Warriors (Dual Wield) - these 2 units increase starting options for TK early armies, same as other basic skeleton units they do not have any recruitment limit.Ĭhosen Asaph Archers, Crimson Legions of the Asp - these 2 are elite T4 and T5 archer units. On top of all that we have for you already 6 brand new unique units for Tomb Kings: Several improvements and texture fixes for various custom units. Few changes to various garrison units - less cavalry/mounted units in citties with walls. Several income changes to various buildings.

Various changes in technology assignments for several custom units. Added recruitment of Druchii City Guards to several unique DE and HE settlements. Several balance changes to various units (small nerf to Druchii City Guards). Massive AI recruitment logic changes - further improvements in army compositions and unique builds.
Radious total war rome 2 mod#
All new Bretonnian content fully adapted and balanced for Radious mod style. Recreated one VC unit for Followers of Nagash only (unit had to be created from scratch to work in TK roster) - Cairn Wraiths (will have same recruitment cap as Hexwraiths). Created many new weapons and armors for RoR and LoL units to feel more unique and different from their vannila counterparts. Legions of Legend unlocked for custom/mp battles. Reworked Tomb Kings Garrisons to match with other factions (custom units will be added later once their roster is complete). All TK units, heroes and lords fully rebalanced to match Radious mod and balance style. All TK spells, items, abilities, followers, buildings, technology effects rebalanced and adapted to Radious mod. Recruitment limit for each unit is increased by 50%-100%, each new custom unit will have its own limit of recruitment. Starting army limit is changed from 1 to 3, main technologies provide +2 instead of +1 army limit. Increased army cap and unit caps for Tomb Kings faction (amount can change during future updates depending how well balanced it will be in longer tests).

Rebalanced all new mechanics, Tomb Kings system and much more to ensure best possible quality and keep the unique variety of this faction.
Radious total war rome 2 update#
Tomb Kings DLC and latest update full support: Complete update adaptation, balance all new content into Radious mod style. But now you are getting tons of new content and that should be fully compatible, balanced and properly adapted with our work and on top of that already several new units! I will work further on Tomb Kings, balancing is long process, same as adding custom units, so expect several smaller or larger updates in upcomming weeks.

This was one of the largest updates for any TW game so it required many hours to fix and polish all.
Radious total war rome 2 mods#
More then 12 days i was working on adapting and fixing our mods for massive Tomb Kings DLC and latest WH2 update.